What Are The Different Teaching Methodologies Used In CBSE Schools For Nursery And Primary Classes?


CBSE schools use a variety of teaching methodologies for Nursery and Primary classes, depending on the subject, the age of the students, and the learning objectives.

What are the different teaching methodologies used in CBSE schools for Nursery and Primary classes?

Here are some of the most common teaching methodologies used in CBSE schools:

Play-based learning: In Nursery classes, CBSE schools often use play-based learning to help children learn and develop. Play-based learning involves using toys, games, and other activities to make learning fun and engaging for children.

Activity-based learning: CBSE schools, especially any CBSE play schools near yo also use activity-based learning in Primary classes, where students learn through hands-on activities such as experiments, projects, and group work.

Inquiry-based learning: Inquiry-based learning is a method in which students ask questions and explore topics to learn more about them. CBSE schools often use this methodology in science and social studies classes.

Collaborative learning: Collaborative learning involves students working together in groups to solve problems or complete projects. CBSE schools use this method to promote teamwork and communication skills.

Direct instruction: Direct instruction involves the teacher presenting information to students in a structured, systematic way. CBSE schools use this method for subjects such as mathematics and language, where students need to learn specific concepts and skills.


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